
Showing posts from December, 2009

New Year Resolutions - Not as usual

Like everybody else around I am also busy in making New Year resolutions. I do not want to sound as if I am writing this for an audience. I am no longer in a mood to do things for an audience or for relatives, friends etc. For the last two years I have been absorbing many shocks, some of them where given by very good neighbours turned friends, finally turned stoic and now out of my life for good, this was in 2008, then dawned 2009 baring a few more bitter truths when very rock solid relations shriveled and was blown away by the winds of rough times. I was stunned to see it falling to dust and gone for good, only remains are some formalities and courtesies. Then came a stage when I replaced these relations with some new ones but I can sense something amiss. So I thought and thought and have now come to a conclusion that after all it is not possible that they were all wrong, it seems it was me who was wrong all the time. I could pin point with all my wisdom gathered about me that wha...

Under the bottle brushed trees

Dripping wet till its willowy bend, Rippling circles on sparkling surface Rain came pouring down I saw a happy leaf talking to a gurgling stream I smelled the soothing fragrance of rain falling on to yearning earth the sound of birds chirping away and the sight of wild flowers lay strewn under the bottle brushed trees amidst dark clouds and gleaming lightning squirrels scurried over to the hole in the Banyan tree And I lay curled on a soft rug warmed by the ambers in the Victorian fire place, looking through the French window, at the wet wild flowers strewn under the bottle brushed trees

The year that was

This year ,life was like that of a cliff hanger, well it still is, this has been the most uncertain year that ever could be. For more than a few months life is hanging in midair refusing to fly high or touch ground. May be this is exactly the reason that this year in many ways has been an eye opener, showing us the mirror and baring the truth, it took off the beautiful wrapping paper and showed us the real contents inside. Inspite of the uncertainties that it brought, this year also taught us some important lessons. This year, more than once I found this thought at the back of my mind like a wall paper, that, our life is like a bubble, it may burst any time and till the time we have colours of rainbow reflecting from it and we are floating around in the horizon, everything is just fine, but it could be that we might just go pop in a matter of seconds. I do not know why this thought keeps on recurring in my mind, may be there is something to learn from it, may be it is giving me the mes...