
Showing posts from February, 2019


I treaded on clouds with long flowing locks happy feet among the crowds eyes dreamy  heart aching on it blue and crimson welts rising I saw a smile it crushed my soul to die in love languidly I pined all the while followed the soul tied it to me with all my might I carried it around thinking its mine It belonged to me, no more than the moon to the tide Though it danced with the moon  the tide forever remained loyal to the Sea Smothering it with all my selfish love I made it just like me, no more silent, no more subtle soon enough.. it lashed upon me like the crashing , massive tide crushing me and my imposing soul it snatched off my imaginary peace unshackling the tendrils , the flowing locks, crushing the happy feet took away the embalming on the welts making it rise once again crimson and blue and soaring and burning not having the courage or the strength, ridden by guilt of ruining a smile I will lie down, tongue tied as a penance to a soul