
Showing posts from October, 2016

Ready steady Go...... Nablopomo 2016

Let me start off this ‘nablopomo’ with a Thank you note to Swar who started it all off with an FB post.     Like so many bloggers out there even I was looking for an excuse to write… I would like to write everyday but then someone needs to push me or I need to have a typical goal to achieve and that is exactly what Swar did.     The things that a blog marathon does to a blogger is unbelievable, it starts giving you an eye for a post in everything. You start lurking in a corner during conversations with your colleagues or your family.. you start looking for a topic in even something as mundane as your daily cup of coffee, also someone like me who usually sleeps through my 2 hour morning journey to office remains wide awake looking at the scenes on the road while our office bus zooms past…. lest I miss some very important topic to be converted into a post from the morning scenes and hustle and bustle on the roads…   ...