
Showing posts from July, 2013

The 100th post - Yes, it is !!!!!

 I never thought I would be reaching this far. Many of my fellow bloggers, wonderful writers and superb human beings have reached here way, way ahead of me and I am so proud of them. For me, many posts are lying in my drafts wherein I had decided to call it a day, yes, I had decided many times to quit blogging. I was very unsure of my existence in the blogger world, I saw many bloggers posting just one post and getting comments after comments, and me, at the max just one comment or two or may be four because these are the number of very good, encouraging and supportive friends I have in the blogs world. But let me tell you, I never got jealous of them, I was and am always in awe of them, their untiring spirit, their beautiful writing, selfless and happy human beings, yes Swar , Ian , Vincy , Deeps you wonderful people , it is most appropriate for me to dedicate this 100th post to you guys without whose encouraging words I would have left this place very long ago, Thank you and BIG HU

After effect !

There are many instances in life wherein I have really longed to go back to the past. I am longing for the time when I was 4 years old may be 5 not more than that , that is the time where I would like to go back to . I do not want to live in the past  for days together; there are some particular days and tastes which are etched in my memory forever. I remember relishing the crunchy , fruity rose apple with its distinct flavor, which I remember even now as if I am eating one right now, so is the nutty flavor of the wild jack, it’s fruit , so different and so tasty and it’s nuts which acquires a totally different taste when you eat them roasted. The green paddy fields stretching out far towards the railway line, wherein at night the train zoomed past with lights and noise, it used to be the only sighting of light at night which we had apart from the light from the lanterns that we used at our home, then there was the twinkling light of the glow worms which looked like happy stars