The 100th post - Yes, it is !!!!!

 I never thought I would be reaching this far. Many of my fellow bloggers, wonderful writers and superb human beings have reached here way, way ahead of me and I am so proud of them. For me, many posts are lying in my drafts wherein I had decided to call it a day, yes, I had decided many times to quit blogging. I was very unsure of my existence in the blogger world, I saw many bloggers posting just one post and getting comments after comments, and me, at the max just one comment or two or may be four because these are the number of very good, encouraging and supportive friends I have in the blogs world. But let me tell you, I never got jealous of them, I was and am always in awe of them, their untiring spirit, their beautiful writing, selfless and happy human beings, yes Swar, Ian, Vincy, Deeps you wonderful people , it is most appropriate for me to dedicate this 100th post to you guys without whose encouraging words I would have left this place very long ago, Thank you and BIG HUGS, you don’t know you are such gems!! And my special thanks to Nancy for my first ever blog award, and hers is one blog which no one should ever miss!

I have stumbled upon many treasure troves in the blog world, for one are the absolutely lovely food blogs, bloggers who are blogging with such dedication and beauty , I love their blogs and am a big fan of them, to name a few are Banaras ka khana, kichukhon, kitchenmishmash, fatchicgoesslim, riascollection, maayeka and so many more, I can fill a page with such names, and I have always, always tried my best to leave my comments on their wonderful recipes and anecdotes. There are so many other blogs who are just out of the world, I think I will have to do a separate post dedicated on this….

I know it’s no big deal for many, the 100th post that is, but for me it is, because this space was and is still a space where I bare my soul and mostly pour out my anguish, this space has witnessed my ramblings, personal, professional, social and what not! I am grateful to today’s technology to have provided people like me, who are bloggers (and I am sure there is a writer somewhere in every blogger) a space to sprout wings. Some writers get offended on being called a blogger turned writer but I think it is a matter of pride that we have had got our fair share of practice and experience of being an amateur (!) writer in the blog world, at least we are able to satisfy our urge and fascination to pen down our thoughts and in turn we have got amazing friendships over the years.

Sorry for sounding like a Big thank you speech, but this is special for me. I would also like to thank all those who have visited my blog but never left a comment, I understand, and I appreciate your visits, but one of these days please say something so that I am encouraged to write more and better, the dashboard shows that you came but what you felt, it would be wonderful to know too!!

Last but not the least, my followers, your presence means so much to me, thank you for reading me and for being there, it is so encouraging..… I am wonderfully happy about this 100th post and am looking forward to many more… ‘Comments or ‘No Comments’ ;)


  1. Congrats Rekha. And u write so beautifully :) Pls don't delete this blog ever :)

    Thanks for all the kind words. Hugs :)

    1. hey swar, thank you so much for this, it definitely means a lot and after this 100th post I also think I would not be able to bring myself to delete this blog. Thank you once again for being there always.


  2. Rekha, Congratulations on your 100th post. you sound so genuinely happy that anyone reading this post will feel that happinesss.

    I dont remember how i landed up in your blog, but i somewhere felt the connect and blogrolled you - dont remember if I got ur permission for that LOL.

    Most of what you write are intense and tug at my heart strings and i love reading your posts. Continue writing and may you soon reach the next ton. Loads of love to you my friend and feeling as excited as you, on your 100th post.

    And hey, thanks for the mention.

    1. Hey vincy, Thank you so much. You are so much right about the connect,I too felt it, infact there are some similarities between us, our profession, our love for our grannies, both of us have some vivid childhood memories that we are so much attached to, I am sure there might be many more :). I was recently in chennai for work and wanted to meet you but then time was so short, I am sure next time around I would definitely try and do that, please let me know if you are ever in Delhi. And thank you once again for all the lovely and encouraging words ! it means a lot, really.

      p.s - Hey I am only too happy that you have blogrolled me
      take care

  3. Congratulations ss on the 100th post! it is no easy feat and it is an appropriate post. thank you for being so sweet and the good words. you have a real place here. one that you claim through your wonderful writing and benign personality. don't let the drafts die. I do hope to see them here one by one and many more. Congratulations again ss!

  4. thanks lan, sorry for such a late reply. Its people like you who keep me motivated, take care and hugs to you (( ))

  5. A heartwarming post Rekha.....congratulations on ur 100th IS a milestone:-)). So sorry I came over so late to wish you. We juggle of a lot of things in our lives but this space is special isn't it....Keep blogging Rekha:-)).

  6. Hey Nance, Thanks a ton, you are always welcome... late or early.. your words means so much to me.. thank you for such sweet words.


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