
Every single day, I adorn different hats, I am a busy mother early in the morning, I am bursting out of time when I board my office vehicle, till late into the evening I am the busy professional, but I steal moments to hover on my darling kids and my parents. I also borrow some precious moments to find out whether my better half has eaten , has he reached office, is he doing fine. By the time I am back to being a mother and a wife late into the evening, some test, some homework some hugs and kisses and some jumping around greets my tired self.

Yes I am a woman and every single day is a celebration for me for all the blessings of Lord Almighty who let me have the grit to go through the grind everyday, who gave me the strength to bear the labour pain, who gave me the ease to effortlessly support my parents, who gave me the will power to have a spine of steel to hold my spouses hand tight through thick and thin, every day I am thankful to God for having given me the strength and the patience only a woman can have !!

But I truly wish life would be easier for my daughters, this world would be kinder to them, they shall be spared the stares and the wolf whistles, I wish I could be at peace when they shall be late to return home from work, I wish I would still be left with the will power to nurture them to be woman of grit and substance and excel in life.

That is the only thing I ask from the society today, especially the Indian Society to make the next generation sensitive towards the safety and respect of women, It is in the hands of every mother and father who has a child to rear, to instill these values, whether you have a daughter or a son , the value of respect and care towards others has to be instilled in them, so that we all strive for a better tomorrow. In turn this day March 08, Womens day actually becomes a day of celebration and gaiety and not a day when at the end of all celebrations we women are still facing the big questions of our safety and security on the streets, among colleagues , amidst crowds and even at our very home.


  1. All I would say is 'Amen' to that.

  2. Thousands of miles away, I am also trying to instil the same value in the kids as you are! God help us.


  3. Also, when you have time, do leave your advice for these women.



  4. Hey,

    Haven't heard from you in a while...where did you disappear?


  5. Absolutely! I wish so too, Rekha.

    Beautiful post as always!

  6. I wish the same ...... a safe , secure society where a woman can be herself !!!

  7. very true, I come home at 10 in a local bus, as my office bus drops only upto a point. Most of the time, I'm filled with fear.

    By the way, your writing are lovely, it makes us feel special, as a "Women". Kudos to you.

  8. soul speaks, you write very well and i love your expressions that come from the heart. still have more of your posts to go over but the ones i have read so far are touching. you are contemplating life as a whole which is great and letting it out in these posts are even better!

  9. Hi Ian, thanks a lot for the comments. Especially from you they mean a lot as it comes from a voracious reader as you, I doubt if I would ever be able to read as much books as you have.


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