Unending path

I need long steps to cover that path,
 Stretching out beyond me into the horizon
 I can not see an end in sight
Only dry leaves on yellow grass, no shelter,
no wooden bench on either side of the path
only shade and sun crisscrossing the trees,
some tall and majestic ,some stunted and sad
sometimes I drag myself to the next point in sight
or just sprint away breathing the eucalyptus' heady fragrance
sometimes I long for a soul to turn to
or just acknowledgment of what I am
I long for the cocoon of warm embrace
 Of those who brought me to this world
The pure expression of being looked after
And being proud of …but I find nothing
 Only acres of land sprawling under my feet
Sometimes I breakdown by the rose apple tree,
 Longing to rest there for long, not to get up ever
Just to sit there soaking in my own tears
Or just pepping up my self and giving a pat,
 A loving one on my shoulder ,
to get me up To walk till the point where the earth meets the sky
It might be this birth or will I take another one ?
On my way I chanced upon two springs
Gurgling with fresh and clean water
They drenched me in their abundance
Embraced me with pure innocence
 Along the path I saw red gulmohur tree
Inviting me to just be with him
 Not to think about life or the path ahead
Luring me with its passionate flowers
Blinding me with riot of colours
I falter ,I laugh ,I am full of mirth
 I forget the long journey
Then like lightning it strikes me again
I walk away,drifting away from the momentary lapse
 I stretch out my legs , mustering courage To cover that path ,
on my own, nothing with me ,
No rose apple tree, no gulmohur
Only unending stretch of dry leaves and yellow grass
 To behold , strive, walk as long as I can
As long as my legs will carry me ,
As long as my breath will agree with me,
 As long as I can keep the candle inside me ,
Alive and aglow !


  1. ss, good to see you posting more often. bring them on. gulmohar with its flowers in full bloom is irresistible!

  2. Yeah lan, 'Gulmohar is irresistible'!and thanks for the encouragement :)


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