my own little place

Its been so long , I plan to come here often but when I open the page to write  words fail me.. I planned to slyly quit, planned to silently say goodbye to the blog and also to my writing.. but somehow I just could would be equivalent to saying goodbye to my reading which I can not do without. 

Life just goes on throwing some surprises, twists and turns but I am grateful to God for giving me the strength to sustain, to overcome, to grow stronger.  If I regret anything then it is  the lack of time I get with my children, I wish I could be with them more, to see them blossoming into individuals with choices and talents but most of the time I miss out on it and sometimes I so strongly want to  throw away my job and sit at home cuddling them, playing with them, help them studying, go out with them, prepare hot meals for them when they are back from school, be there with them when they are unwell or not feeling good.  These are all wishes which may not get fulfilled ever except on weekends and holidays, may be later when I am old and have all the time in the world, my children will be away to their own homes, with their own children or their own jobs or priorities.. well..quite possible but that would be so heart wrenching...... so much time and no children  around....
 I wish my reading and writing shall  be with me forever , my writing is like a dormant volcanoe, it is there simmering away , may be it will explode some day , may be many many years later , but it can never die.. it shall always be breathing within me.

I observed that many of my fellow bloggers whom I had been following or who have been following me are all inactive, most of them might be working on a novel for all I know, so many of the bloggers have become such successful novelists... As I read somewhere on a blog... every blogger has a story inside, a novel inside, waiting to be born and it is so true.

I know this post does not make any sense but then I just typed whatever I am feeling now...

I am thankul for this small , little place that I own in this cyber world , where I can pour out my feelings and be myself... my blog.. my own little place....


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