The best Prompt !!

Sometimes it needs a little prompting to get the best out of you, and I am definitely one of those, I need a good prompt to do my bit of writing, especially the best one that is.

The story goes like this, it was ‘Mothers day Meet’ at my younger daughter’s school, she is in UKG and her school organizes this day with a lot of activities and fanfare every year, so I went to the school all excited , as my little one was there in the dance programme dancing to the tune of ‘Naani teri morni ko mor le gaye’, so I got her Naani that is my mother also to come with me and enjoy her dance, and since I had been attending this function every year I near about knew the all the activities that would follow. So there I was sitting pretty and enjoying the sight of toddlers and teachers and enjoying the company of so many other mothers who had gathered there. Suddenly there was a twist to the story as the Prinicpal announced that they had arranged a small activity for the Mothers too, they had arranged for a question answer activity for the Mothers, this question paper had 11 questions and we Mothers had to attempt it to the best of our ability and the Mother who shall give the best answers shall be getting a ‘prize’. Vow.. now.. that was surely a surprise and all the Mothers started their writing spree at the word ‘go’.

I really liked the question paper, it had such emotional, such prompting  questions, such as ‘What are the values you have imbibed from your Mother?’, ‘What is the one thing about which you and your Mother argued the most in your teenage years ?’ and the classic one ‘What is the difference between a Mother and a Mother in law according to you?’, so as I have said above, I am someone who performs best when prompted in the best way. After around 20 minutes (time given was 30 minutes) I was the first one to submit the paper to the Principal Ma’m and when all the papers were collected and she started checking it, I could see the smile on her lips.

Once the little children had enthralled us with their excellent performances and had made us, all the Mothers,  all teary eyed, it was time for the result to be declared, and Voila! the name that was announced was of none other than, ‘yours truly’, and the Principal was so impressed with the answers and one in particular that she read it out for all, and can you guess which was the question which fetched me the first prize?? Yes, it was the classic one ‘What is the difference between a Mother and a Mother in law according to you ’??? ..

You want to know the answer that I gave??,Well, it is going to be another post altogether !!!!!


  1. Oh I want to know what you answered, Rekhu, I so want to know!
    Congratulations super-mom, I'm sure you made your daughters super-proud just as much :)

    1. thanks Deeps :) , the answer is the fodder for another post :) (evil grin)

  2. And I was going to ask you for your answer on that one when I read that part:-) Will be waiting for the post SS.

    1. hey lan, the reply shall be through another post ha ha ha...

  3. Congratulations Rekha. hey, i cant wait to hear what you answered for that question, blog that please. :-)

    1. vincy, I am saving the answer for a rainy day hee hee ;)


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