Rest In Peace




This beautiful person, this beautiful and kind soul, my maternal Grandmother left for her heavenly abode on Wednesday, January 13th , 2016. She lived a full life, she was blessed with 5 children (1 son and 4 daughters) all of whom doted on her, but it was my youngest maasi who was blessed and had the privilege to be with her and to stay and look after her till her last breath. Also, she was more than a mother to her son-in-laws who always have had the highest regard for her.

 We, her  9 grandchildren were blessed to have had her benign presence and love in our life, equally blessed are her 6 great grandchildren  whom she  loved and pampered so much.

 I am blessed to have spent a major part of my childhood with her wherein she was not my grandmother but my mother.  The memories of a small  house in a small town in kerala has never left me, the  quaint little kitchen  where she cooked the tastiest food, the fragrant smells of  which wafted through the entire house is still fresh in my memory. The taste of her tangy, tasty, fiery fish curry  can never be forgotten by anyone who has tasted it even once, and all her grand son in laws will vouch for it....

 We all miss you so much Ammachi, we have no idea where are we going to turn to for all those precious advises, you were always there for us with your vast knowledge, be it regarding an auspicious date or a home remedy when our children took unwell.  Who is going to ever so patiently make us note down the recipes over the phone now... ??

 We all feel as if a great protective shade has been suddenly taken away from us which can never be replaced by any one.

 We pray for the eternal peace for the departed soul.   We are sure she is somewhere there above, among the stars watching over all of us and smiling that lovely and endearing smile, showering her blessings on us.

 We will all wait to meet you Ammumma in our next birth, till then Rest in Peace...

 with lots of love




  1. I am so sorry to hear about your loss ss. I know how it feels. These holes in our lives will always be there but we take heart from the love that filled it.. She was blessed to have had so much love in her life. Prayers..

    1. thanks for the Prayers lan, it is indeed a hole which can never be filled, only memories are left with us

  2. Oh my god!. Losing a loved one is always difficult, but isnt it inevitable/ Ammummaa's are special angels to make our lives beautiful and memories rich with their special love and care. I sincerely hope you and your family get the strength from almighty to bear this loss and sail through this tough times. Prayers and a big hug to you Rekha. Let her soul RIP.

    She looks so graceful in this picture.

  3. Thanks for your prayers Vincy. Yes, she was one beautiful and graceful lady I hope and pray I am blessed with her presence in my next life, if there is one.


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