
Do you believe in miracles? I do. I am fascinated by the idea of a miracle, there have been instances in my life where I have felt that what just happened was nothing short of a miracle in it’s literal sense.
I feel it is very positive to believe in miracles, I am not saying that we should just sit pretty waiting for a miracle to happen, we must do our 100% and wait for the natural progression of that 100% effort but if that is topped by a miracle as well, it would be really great, is it not??

Sometimes the very idea of a positive, wonderful outcome can pave way to it happening sooner or later… yes it does.  There are so many why’s and how’s that play in our mind that shows us how a particular thing may not happen at all, but then suddenly it happens, without even giving us a chance to contemplate how did this go?.  

I read a small, simple book, which is about positive thinking, but it was not the normal, visualization, affirmation stuff, it was about changing our thoughts to better thoughts, controlling our reactions to better ones. It is such a simple, basic thought but it really does wonders when we implement it, what happens then is nothing short of a miracle. It rings true then that what we give, we get, that is  if we give out positive vibes to a person,  99.99 recurring percent, we will receive the same back. It is not an easy task , it is Herculean in nature, it requires dedicated, daily practice and it requires fattening that thin line of patience a lot.

I am on a mission right now to watch such miracles too, apart from the ones that I believe in, I am trying to see the miracles that happen when we change our approach, behavior and thoughts towards something or someone who  bothers us or stresses us out.  I have started seeing the glimpses of change; I hope to see more, an entire transformation and in the process, I am readying myself to witness a beautiful MIRACLE!


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