When life gives you lemons.. mix it with vodka and have fun!!

when you are midway in life, at some point were you are at the exact middle of an average human life and you still have to prove yourself, on silly, stupid things it is agonizing !  

When you have worked like a horse for the entire , exact half of that mid point and still has an important milestone to pass before you reach the top professionally, it is insulting !

When no one gives a damn about any of this or anything you have done for more than two decades of your life, it is heart breaking!

When you spend everyday awaiting that one call which can help you to turn a corner in your professional life, it is hugely discouraging!

When you cut your heart out for a friend and be present for them, be there for them come what may and suddenly they start ignoring you . it is absolutely soul wrenching!

I can keep thinking about all this and loath in self pity or I can count my blessings, the small , the big and the ones which are about to come and lead a happy life.. so this is what I have decided.

1. I have decided to ignore those who measure my worth  by how  neat I keep my kitchen or how organised is my almirah, sorry I do not accept it!!

2. I have decided to look at the brighter side and be happy with how far I have come in my career rather than gloating on what is not there as of now !!

3. I have decided to be a bigger person by ignoring those who does not give me my due credit and start giving my self the credit I deserve.  I am going to love and appreciate myself for every small and big thing I do rather than waiting for others to do it for me and then getting heart broken about it!!

4. I am not going to cry and wait for anything which seems to be taking eternity to manifest so I am going to ready myself to handle higher responsibilities in a better way!!

5. I am not going to go after  friends who are not worthy my love and support, if they can chose to ignore me or talk to me as per their convenience so can I !!

6. I am going to be happy go lucky.  Not going to expect anything from any one, If I am craving appreciation I give it to myself, If I am craving love I give it to myself, If I am craving friendship and venting out I give it to myself !!

This is my year and i owe a lot to myself... I love myself and I am going to be very good with me... Hello 2020  I am ready...

I am going  to put those lemons life  had been giving me all this time to good use... by mixing  it with vodka and having  fun !!! 

  Care to join ??? 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Swar. I am so proud of your work and achievements!
      It's really sad that I am unable to comment on your posts.. but I am reading it all.. keep it going girl!

  2. You've arrived, Girl.

    Love your positive outlook, exuberance and change in perspective. Sometimes we need to bring all these upon ourselves to better the quality of our lives. And yes, so important to make ourselves a priority once in a while.

    Happy for you and so proud of your decisions for this this year. Love, Love and more love to you


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