Happy Birthday to my daughter

The wails got louder
As the nurse bathed you
9 years ago
It was a cloudy, cold day
And the new born you resisted the bath your own way

I gathered you in my arms
Kept you close to me
It felt so strange having to look after ,
A frail little baby depended so much on me
I was scared to take you in my arms
You looked so red and so angry
That you had to come out early
My stitches hurt and I was tired
All I wanted was to sleep some more
But you wanted so much of attention

Now you have grown up baby
You have your own likes and dislikes
Sometimes you are so funny
You like to read only when you are in the mood
You write well and you remember your lessons so well
Only you want to play some more
And also to watch tv some more
Especially Barbie and her stories

You have grown so tall
And you look so beautiful
Your hair is much longer than mine
And I am so proud of you
Soon you would become a little lady
Beautiful and graceful
Soon I ‘d be graying and aging
But I shall see my own reflection in you
You look like your father but you are so much like me
In a few years from now you shall be on your own
A few years from now you shall be gone
May be for study or work ,may be with the love of your life
Then this mother shall await your visits by the door step
Just to hug you and look at you long
I will wait by the phone for you to call me
And update me on your happy life
Tears well up thinking of you being away from me
Today on your birthday I wish you love, luck and laughter baby, all along..

Today on your birthday ,
I wish you so much love
And so much blessings
That it would last you your whole life
You shall never be short of good luck,
Good friends and a warm hearth
These are my wishes for you today
I Love you my daughter ... happy birthday


  1. Feelings nicely put :) One day you daughter will read it and be happy

  2. Wishing her the best birthday ever :)
    Such beautiful lines Rekha :) Lucky her :)

    Soon I ‘d be graying and aging
    But I shall see my own reflection in you - Esp. loved these lines :)

  3. My blessing for your little angel ... i can imagine an angel with long cascading hair .

    Lovely poetry , she will be so proud of her mom when she grows up n reads this ...

  4. Dear sangeeta, Thanks a lot.. your blessings means a lot..

  5. Blessings to your little one.
    And much thanks for leaving such warm words on my blog. :-)

  6. nice one from starting to finish.. lovely. she is going to love it when she reads this.

  7. Aww god bless her a lottttttt and heres wishing her a very happy birthday

    I am sure when she reads it she will definitely be proud .. soon she will be reading all your posts ...


  8. sharmila, thanks for the visit , welcome here!!

    Devasena, thanks a lot dear.

    Bikramjit, thanks a ton

  9. Happy Belated Birthday to your little one. Loved the poem. Thanks for coming by and the lovely comment. I'll return to read more of the earlier posts.

  10. Hi Ian, welcome here, thanks for your comment, I shall be at your place more often definitely... :)

  11. Belated Happy B'day to the li'l angel!

    "In a few years from now you shall be on your own
    A few years from now you shall be gone
    May be for study or work ,may be with the love of your life
    Then this mother shall await your visits by the door step
    Just to hug you and look at you long" Have tears in my eyes after reading these lines! Beautifully expressed, Rekha! Hugs!

  12. Deeps, All of us, the mothers who have daughters feels like this sometime or the other isnt it? especially when time flies like this.. thanks dear for your encouraging comments.

  13. the best birthday gift your daughter ever got, i bet.


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