Time does wonders

Time does wonders. It mellows down people, it hardens hearts, it brings dreams crashing down, it pushes hopes soaring high, it brings life to grinding halt, but it never stops and never looks back.

It is me and you who are caught up in the sands of time who travels down the memory lane or builds castles in the air about a few years into future, it is so funny but the speed of time , whether it is going fast or is crawling by, totally depends on the situation we are in , when we are happy time flies, when we are sad time just hovers around refusing to move.

All those happy days in school and college when we had no care in the world seems to have zoomed past, the courtship days filled with rosy excitement and sweetness of chocolate on every meeting has just disappeared so fast.

When the day of marriage dawned it filled the tummy with rainbow coloured butterflies, by the evening the fragrance of jasmine filled the air, time whizzed past and now on this day of my twelfth wedding anniversary I wish time would slow down and let me smell the jasmine and the roses , let me look at my wedding sari lovingly , let me relive those rainbow coloured butterflies , admire the turmeric stained white thread which embraced my neck so lightly but so beautifully with the pendant of love on it... oh .. how time flies..sometimes stops..and sometimes pushes us back into a whirlwind of emotions…Time does wonders..


  1. Oh u write so beautifully Rekha. Loved that part abt the sacred thread :)
    Wishing u both the very best in life. Happy Anniversary :)

  2. Hey swar, You are so sweet, you never fail to drop in here and write such lovely words. Thanks a lot for your wishes.

  3. lovely reads like a poem. Wishing u both Happy Anniversary

  4. Such beautiful weaving of words as always, Rekha! Herse wishing you & S a very happy anniversary :)

  5. yes time is great its does wonders in both good times and bad times :)

    It does fly past :)


  6. such beautiful words to evoke a precious memory..
    happy anniversary!


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