Dwelling on the past (Blogmarathon post no. 14)

The other day I was going through my blog posts since the time I started blogging, which is around 2008 and  when I was reading my posts, I could see a pattern, it was that most of my writings dwelled on the past or to put it more directly they were mostly derived from the past. 

These posts have instances from my childhood, especially the time which I spent in Kerala , then some glimpses about my student life and some about the time when my children were born etc. , then I realized that how much of our life depends on our past learnings, many times we derive strength from our past experiences. The very situations which seemed so unbearable and stifling and full of strife in the past start appearing  different and seems to be containing life lessons when we look back at them later on.

The various friendships that I have had in the past or my relationship with my relatives has also been topics of my post, indicating very clearly the importance of the past journey that each relationship had gone  through in our life, how we evolved, how we interpreted and how we learnt our lessons from it, sometime positive, sometimes negative, thus proving once again that our past plays an important role in shaping up our present.

I was just thinking aloud if it comes  natural for most of the people to start looking back when they sit down to  write, taking cues from their own life and surroundings,.  Just wondering !!!


  1. it used to be like that for me and 2-3 years before blogs came about, i wrote and wrote and wrote about the past to myself since i was so mired in its nostalgic beauty. this brought forth a strange release and unfortunately i find that i have lost some of the feelings that made those memories alive. so i do like your posts here as they let me relive some of them for free-)thanks ss! i like your marathon posting since i can come over here expecting to see at least one post..

    1. Yes past is one place where I also loved to be and still love to be.....

  2. Nostalgia. Isn't that a wonderful place to be? I think i spend too much time there. :-)

    1. me too Vincy.. I even love how the word 'Nostalgia' sounds ....


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