Before we visit the goddess - an opinion not a review... (blogmarathon post no. 27)

I devoured the book ‘Before we visit the Goddess’,  I loved it to bits.  Ms. Divakaruni is a master story teller, the details, the imagery, her solid grip on the emotions of all her characters makes it a beautiful story.

 Though I am not a feminist, I am sure neither is Ms. Divakaruni, the way she has given strength and grit to all her female protagonist is just amazing,  and it makes you all the more proud of being a woman. I say so because she is talking of four generations of women in a family and it is really difficult to give different shades and means of strength to women protagonist spanning from the early 1900s to the y2k era… but she does it and does so effortlessly.  All these women appear to be vulnerable and with their weaknesses in place but somehow, somewhere they all seem to pick up the broken thread, make it a sturdy rope and haul themselves up in the ladder of life.....

She captures the different mindset, different melancholy and different set of difficulty that each women has to face in her generation, but all these amalgamates beautifully to weave a poignant story which shows us that if women can be as soft as a petal , she can also be as  strong as steel if she wishes to be and she fights her own battles and wins it too….

Only the ending was not as I perceived it to be but when I think it over it’s the best option available, but let me tell you I am usually a fussy person when it comes to the ending of novels and movies.. because endings can be quite unsettling when you have almost lived the life of characters throughout the reading of a book or watching of a movie… Also I thought that the book should have been given some other name.... well.. that is just me....

Go ahead …buy this book, you won’t regret it….


  1. Makes me want to read this book. I love the way you have mentioned about the way you live the life of characters as you read the book.

    I find it hard to cast the characters away long after I have read the book. For example, Arundhati Roy's God of small things book, the river Meenachil is still in my memory. anyone mentions the name and I remember the book the characters even now and many such characters.

  2. Thanks for this info ss. I normally make it a point to lookout for Divakaruni's books but missed this one. The most recent one was 'The Oleander Girl'. I do like her earlier novels more with 'Sister Of My Heart' being a favorite. Will be reading this for sure!

  3. Hey lan how come you missed it! well try it out I found it really good....


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