Yoohooo !!! (Blogmarathon post no. 30)

Yoohooo…. I am mighty pleased with myself for having completed the blog marathon which I started on June 27 ,  2016, I was inspired by Ms. Shenoy who is a hugely popular novelist and in spite of her busy schedule takes out time to update her blog and connect with her readers… her blog is also a hugely inspiring place. I am thankful to Ms. Preeti Shenoy for being an inspiration to me and many readers like me.

Now, I am convinced that if I put my heart and soul into it, I can take up many challenges and overcome it successfully.

I am very much thankful to Vincy, my dear friend, a friend which this blog of mine has gifted to me for being so supportive throughout and coming and reading every post of mine and commenting on it, this in spite of being a full time working women with a house to manage and many other social / church activities for which she devotes her time.  

I am thankful to myself for not having succumbed to the temptation of giving up on the blog marathon midway…………… It took me a bit long.. but it's done.

I might do this often as it really really helps me unwind and gives a great sense of satisfaction

I am thankful to all those readers also who came here but did not comment but I am sure you have gone through my posts……thank you… Thank you all……


  1. Hey Rekha.. Kudos to you for completing the Blog marathon. See you have it in you. Actually this is a bitter-sweet feeling, Sweet to see you succeed in a challenge that you had set for yourself and bitter because, from tomorrow when i come to this space, i will not be able to read you.. I hope you will not stop with this, but continue to write and be an inspiration for all your readers.

  2. Thanks Vincy, Sure I will try my best to continue this.. thanks once again dear.. hugs...

  3. ss congratulations on sticking to your guns and reaching the finish line. i will come back to read all your posts that i have not read yet. just checked really quick to see how it is going. knowing i have so much to read makes me happy:-)

  4. hey lan, thanks for the comment. Waiting to see your comment once you have read all... take care


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