The finishing no. 30
It feels so good to see the finishing line at last. This Blog Marathon has been exhilarating, there were days when nothing came to the mind, I stared at the blank screen, but eventually the muse came around and the page was filled, oh yes sometimes only half filled, sometimes quarter and sometimes it did over flow. Thank you Swarm for pushing all of us into this…it was worth it. The feeling of achievement is great and this time there were so many of us encouraging each other, sometimes giving that much needed nudge and push to each other, I loved the team spirit and hand holding I got from so many of you this time. Thank you Deeps and Vincy and lan too for dropping by. I got new blogger friends this time around like Scorpria , Shilpa garg , Anu …. Thank you so much for dropping by and giving your comments..and the pleasure is all mine on meeting you and getting to know you during this blogathon. Looking forward...