Cheat Post !! blogpost no. 11

Seriously,  for the life of me today I cannot find anything to write. I wrote at least 3 times , wrote around a paragraph and  then deleted it,  wrote a poem, then deleted it.

I googled for blog prompts, nothing clicked, I looked around for topics, found nothing, I blog hopped for ideas and found the tag ’99 things I like’ by Swar and really liked it, wanted to do it,  but could not bring myself to think so much on a Friday! so I have thought of doing it some other day.  I have to give it to Swar for having come up with so much positives in that post - at one stroke,  for me, I will have to really rack my brains to do it.

Well I have written so much but still this post seems too short for my liking, basically this is a cheat post !!   However, I have no choice but to conclude, because today is just not my day for doing a post. So till the time I get cracking with some fodder for my posts, all of you who have landed here on my blog, take care and have a great weekend!


  1. It's ok, Rekha. Some days are like this. The important thing is that you are attempting to write every day. That's what matters. So keep writing and the muse will come back to you! Cheers :)

  2. Thanks a lot for your encouragement Shilpa :)

  3. You wrote about your current state of mind...and that's what most of us normally blog of! :)
    As long as you spend time on this space and try to stick to the challenge, I don't think there's anything wrong. There's no cheating in blogging ;)

    1. Yeah you are right.. 'try to stick to the challenge', that is more important isn't it??

  4. Oh I hear you, Rekha! I almost shelved today's posting because I couldnt figure out what to write. Like Shilpa said, guess the only key is to keep writing even if it mundane.

    Even this one is a perfect way to cheat post ;)

    1. yeah...thanks Deeps.Again going to rack my brains on what to write as now I have to compensate for the weekend gap..sigh!!

  5. I love the way you kept at it. Bravo Rekha. You are being an inspiration to me. :-)


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