Come back - with a blog Marathon ! post no. 1

Today I noticed that I had been neglecting this place for long.

so long that I missed the customary end of the year summing up post and also the New Year wish post. 

 Life has been treating me good and I am eternally grateful for it.  There has been some health issues bothering me but then life can not be a bed of roses always isn't it?

So how has life been treating you?

Just to add some challenge to my writing and to compensate my absence from this place I am going to start my 'Blog Marathon' from today on wards. Count this post as post no.1.

Care to join me? because no marathon is complete with out some fellow marathoners. 

Please leave your  comments and blog address in my comments so that I can follow you and we can mutually encourage for an awesome 'Blogathon' .  Let us start writing.

By the way Happy New Year to all of you, wishing an amazing, lovely year ahead.

P.S: Also I  am happy to share that one of my stories got published at 'Juggernaut'.


  1. Yay Yay Yay...

    Will be there with you in the marathon. I am yet to try one and i have to do it too.
    I am guilty of all the same crimes you have mentioned concerning the blog space. but yeah we have so many things to do. ( our customary excuse)
    forget all that you are back blogging and what a way to get back !!!
    All the very best Rekha dear.

  2. Hey Vincy.. thanks a lot for all the wonderful comments. Every Marathon you had been there to encourage me and I really really thankful for that. This blogathon is going to special as you are going to join me... looking forward...
    take care


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