Just a rant - post no. 16- blog marathon

Why do I write?

I have asked this question to myself many times and always got the answer that I love writing. 

I am never really far away from the idea of writing, anything I do , at the end of the day I feel satisfied if I had written something that day.  Then you may ask, if that is the case then why so few blog posts even after 10 years of blogging ? Your question is absolutely valid.. sometimes I just am not able to put my feelings on to the paper .. or on to a new blog post.  Every thought just reverberates in my mind and some how I am unable to put anything in black and white. For example today I am all restless there is so much going on in the work front and so much to do but I am not able to concentrate.. I wanted to write  that's it. 

I know it sounds like more of a rant than a genuine post,yes, because I have so much to say but no idea how to say and what to say... before I confuse you any more let me stop.

By the way...Yay!! I just crossed  the half way  mark of my blog marathon!


  1. ha ha ha i see you just cooked up a post. But a very good attempt at it.

    Guilty of not being with you on the days of this post. Mea Culpa.


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