Movie Review - post no. 15 - blog marathon

Saw the movie ‘Padman’ today, what a movie ! It is awe inspiring to know that in real life a man struggled so much to provide comfort to women. He meddled into a subject which is considered taboo till date. 

This movie based on the life and work of Padmashri Arunachalam Muruganantham is a beautiful depiction of the extra ordinary struggle and success of an ordinary man.

Akshay Kumar’s acting is absolutely brilliant, natural and on the point.  Do watch it just to assure yourself that struggles pay off, they really do!


  1. I have watched the TED talks of Muruganandam and its absolutely inspiring. Truly motivational. Should watch the movie. hopefully sometime soon.

  2. Oh I did not know there were his TED talks available.. I'd look it up soon..


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