Gratitude - Post no. 4 - Blog marathon

When life throws curve balls at you, start practising gratitude.It is the only way out, because when you start staring at life's problems it will give you more. When you start appreciating little things in life, it will still give you more.

There are so many blessings in our life which we take for granted and does not even give it a second thought. Then a day comes in our life when we have to do without those very things  and suddenly we realise how big it was in our life  and how small was our gratitude towards it. 

You may ignore this thought as superficial, superstitious or eve illogical but it is proven beyond doubt that there are many people in this world who practise gratitude and are eternally blessed because of it.  

Please read Oprah Winfrey's 'I know for Sure', it will give you ample evidence of role of gratitude in her life.  Like her there are many, celebrities and commoners alike who practice gratitude and stay blessed.  

 What about you, do you practice gratitude? do you endorse it? I do and I would recommend every one to do the same.


  1. I am glad you chose to write about gratitude. I think along with hope, gratitude is something that makes the world go round.

    If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, that will be enough. (From the German theologian and humanist Meister Eckhart.)

  2. yes.. i truly and wholly believe in it !!


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