Ideas... post no. 19 - blog marathon

I am an idea queen, and I can bet that so are many of us.  It is easy to dole out ideas one after another but difficult is execution. I love it when I see any of my idea getting shape and changing into reality.

 It takes lot of hard work, planning and grit and a never say die attitude to get the ideas turn into solid work done.

I have seen many people toying with ideas for years together but never mustering the courage to take that first step which will be the cornerstone for making a brilliant idea into a brilliant work done.


  1. Rekha, My apologies. I should have followed your Blog marathon and should have been there for you.

    I will forgive myself for this.

    1. Hey no need for apology Vincy, I understand you are busy handling things single handedly, infact I could not get beyond the 19th post however much I tried. You know I cant find the same enthusiasm in bloggers any more, I am not looking for excuses here but now only business blogs and food blogs to a great extent are updated regularly and the rest of the bloggers have now shifted to face book for posting and getting instant comments and gratification. Time changes.. look at my reader list most of whom I used to follow have not blogged in years.. but it was a good era till it lasted. Take care


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