Say Sorry ! - Post no. 9 - Blog marathon

Never underestimate the power of a heartfelt  apology. 

 A heartfelt 'Sorry' can mend a broken heart to a great extent, it can also put the soul back into a tired and dejected person who might be waiting for that 'Sorry'. I personally feel that their should not be any egos attached to a sorry.  If you are saying sorry just as a formality then chances are high that  person to whom you are saying it shall  definitely understand that your sorry was just  a hollow word, that it had no depth or feeling to it .

I have seen relationships crumbling under the weight of the expectation of a sorry, distances dragging long and heavy because of the lack of it.  I have done it myself, I just tossed away precious years of my life -  away from a very important and  loved person in my life,  just because I hesitated to say sorry for a long long time.

I feel that relationships can be saved and families can be  resurrected if people conjured up the courage to apologise.  A heartfelt apology can be a soothing balm to the fractured ego and shattered expectations of  the person to whom you are saying this magical five letter word.

Do not feel shy or belittled if you ever have to apologise to a loved one, he may be your child, she may be your wife, he may your father or she may be you mother or your daughter or Aunt or a dear friend, they will all understand your  angst and sorrow.  They will surely recognize the earnestness with which you have accepted  your mistake and will soak up your eagerness to reach out.  Your 'Sorry' will act as a magic wand - yes it will, try it out !  

On this valentine day  go ahead,  muster up the courage that had been eluding you for so long, crush that ego that had been strangle-holding you for so long.  Go  ahead and reach out to that person who genuinely deserves your apology so that your valuable relationship does not die and wither out under the undue weight of inflated egos and unrelenting mindsets.


  1. I guess experience and age tempers you down and i find it so easy to say Sorry to my loved ones these days. Never used to be like that before. I found it so hard to accept mistakes and say a sorry then.

  2. You are absolutely right even I feel a lot easier to say sorry now than before.. may be this is what is called 'mellowing down'.


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